Quickest Way To Cut Pepper 2018 Cooking Hacks

The Fastest way to Clean and Cut Pepper 2018

Quickest Way To Cut Pepper 2018 Cooking Hacks

this is the fastest way to cut and clean pepper if you are working in a big restaurant or cooking for too many people, today I’m going to show you a really simple way to clean out and cut a pepper quickly to make your cooking easier and more quick.

1.Cut The Top and the bottom of the pepper

start by placing the pepper on a chopping board then using a sharp knife carefully cut off the top and bottom of the pepper

then stand the pepper up and make a slice all the way down the side like it’s showed in the picture

clean and cut pepper from inside

2.Cut The Middle of the pepper

now you want to remove the pepper middle lie it on its side again and you can now open the pepper up and carefully run your knife down the inside to cut out the middle. pretty cool huh?

fastest way to clean and cut pepper

we’ll discard this to one side and there we have the main body of our pepper ready for cutting with the top we can just push out the middle bit like this and use the rest same as the bottom you can then slice your pepper up or depending on your recipe you might want to cut it into cubes.

fastest way to clean and cut pepper in restaurant

I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips  if you want to see more you can click on the links on the top right of the website or take a look at the best party food cooking hacks main page stay safe and don’t forget to share this with your friends.

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