What’s The Best Way To Shave Butt Hair 2023?
this tutorial falls under the category where i will talk about anything to help a brother out well the other day I got an email from a reader who had a grooming question regarding butt hair more specifically but crack hair he wanted to know how he should manage it because our friend made the unfortunate error of shaving it with a big razor.
now at first your like “sweet! this is smooth clean so super fresh..” but then it starts to grow back in and let me tell you something you are in absolute agony. how do I know? because I tried it once and only once because from that point and that one time I knew that I would never subject myself or my butt cheeks to that trauma again, so today i thought that i would offer my personal experience and recommendations for the act of grooming your butt (don’t forget to check out the Best men grooming tips for this year) .
What to consider before shaving your butt in 2023
now truth be told there are really two areas of the but that we need to talk about there is the crack and then there the cheeks shaving either one of them is going to result in the same itchy ingrown hair uncomfortable situation and the Harrier you are the worse it is trust me there’s the deal I’m not that hairy of a guy , I do manscape and I shave that shaving with the razor produces an uncomfortable result really right after you’re good you’re like “wow everything is awesome” but then when it starts to grow back like we discussed it gets incredibly painful and you do actually develop a lot of rash, ingrown hairs it’s just unpleasant more unpleasant than but hair
Difference between Butt Hair Removing techniques
Top 10 Hair Shavers ListSee top ten shavers for men
so we’ve identified the problem that problem being butt here now how do you deal with it how do you remove it without the agony of a growing back uncomfortable well there are really three options we’ve already discussed the first one which is shaving this isn’t a great option the second option and more painful option is waxing AKA brazilian yes a Brazilian wax actually does remove all the hair and the nether regions including your butt crack now the upside to waxing is that it’s actually going to remove the hair for a little bit longer you’re going to delay the growing back process and the discomfort associated with it however it does grow back and you are going to be subjected to a lot of the same undesirable characteristics of a shaving it’s just going to take a little bit longer it’s also a little bit more painful so you gotta be man enough to do it. have I ever done it? no I’m not that man enough, some other things to consider before running off and getting waxed is are you going to be okay with a stranger actually seeing your butt.
quite frankly you laid it out it’s gonna happen you gotta spread them they gotta do it they’re going to be all up in your business if you’re not comfortable with that there’s probably a better option.
how do i remove my butt hair?
for me have the preferred method of removal is clipping it with facial hair grooming tools. you pop off the attachment you can also use your hair clippers without an attachment all you do get in the tub because this does make a mess or in the shower whatever is just basically just grab your favourit electric shaver (here is a list with the 10 Best Electric Shavers 2023 for this year) start zipping it up and down your butt seriously and then when you get to the crack just gently open up one hand a little and go up and I don’t know how to say this gently but um somebody’s got to say it we’ve come this far haven’t we as your trimming between your butt cheeks the crack you need to be careful when you’re using any electric clipper because you could if you get close enough to that little thing called well we’re going to call it a butthole you could nip it and let me tell you something you have never jumped higher or further or scream louder than if you nip it how do I know?.. all I’m saying is I know what I’m talking about yeah
you only do that once gentlemen butt cheeks butt crack you want to manage it you want to manage that hair that’s growing down there you can do it you can shave it you can wax it but me i’m using electric shavers it’s actually going to reduce the amount of irritation when you’re growing back it’s also going to cut down on ingrown hairs it’s quick it’s easy it’s cheap it’s the way to go.
whats the other butt hair option?
the other option is just don’t worry about it you know I’ll bet when you woke up this morning thought about all the things you wanted to accomplish reading a tutorial on how to groom your ass probably wasn’t very high on the West but after seeing it aren’t you glad you did? well for more tutorials and how to’s you didn’t know that you wanted to see but do please visit this website regularly and share what ever that interests you with your friends ,we’re posting new tutorials every Monday through Friday so make sure to stop by every day and tell your friends because you never know what we’re going to be talking about or grooming tomorrow.
if you have any questions please write them down bellow the comments and i’ll be more then happy to answer them.