Best Slim Minimal Shoulder Bag For Men 2018
I love backpacks but for a typical work day, I prefer to go with a more professional looking messenger bag. Using a slimmer bag like this means the tech I carry also needs to be thinner and lighter to keep it from being too bulky or heavy. Finding the perfect tech that fits inside this limited space but doesn’t compromise in performance was essential to me for this setup.
My Favourite shoulder bad and what i put in it
View At AmazonJack Spade Laptop Bag
this is what’s in my slim and minimal tech bag. The bag that I’m using is from Jack Spade. And I’ll be honest the main reason I use it is because I think it just looks nice. Messenger bags aren’t to most ergonomic since you’re carrying all the weight on one shoulder, there isn’t a lot of space inside to carry anything beyond the essentials and the pockets are just okay for keeping everything organized. This bag is also pretty expensive and I only bought one since I found it on sale for less than a hundred dollars. Despite all of that, I still really like using this bag since it looks a lot more professional than a backpack for a young professional. The laptop I carry inside the bag is still the Dell XPS 15, which I still think is great balance of portability and power for video editing on the go. But when I’m home I prefer to work directly on my desktop system, and moving files back and forth between my laptop and desktop can be a hassle. So I picked up a Samsung T5 1 TB portable hard drive to store all my files. It’s nice and small so it stores easily inside my bag,see best shampoos for men, it’s comes with cables to connect over USB C or over Type A connectors, file read and write speeds is extremely fast so I can edit my video files directly on the drive, the only con is the price. The Samsung T5 is a premium product so the price tag clearly reflects that. If you don’t need that kind of capacity or just want to quickly transfer some files between a couple computers. I still just use a simple USB thumbdrive. For that I reason I also carry my SanDisk Extreme 64GB drive, which is plenty fast and large enough when I just need to quickly pass some files computer to computer. A power bank is something new I’ve started to carry with me lately. While I rarely run out of power during the day with my cellphone, having a power bank just in case is a nice for peace of mind. I’m using the Aukey 10000mAH power bank. These smaller slimmer power banks are the perfect form factor for me. They feel like you’re carrying a slightly thicker phone and because of that they hold together really well in my hands while it is being charged without too much additional weight or bulk. This specific model doesn’t support any special quick charging modes if you need that. But I really like that this charger has a bidirectional USB C port that can be used to charge or be charged, so I don’t need to have older micro usb cables around. Commuting to work I like listening to podcasts or music on my phone with some cheap Panasonic earbuds. I find them really comfortable in my small ears canals and they sound decent enough for my needs. While the cable is really thin so it does gets tangled quite easily. And there’s no inline controller or microphone for phone calls. On the plus side they are super cheap so I don’t really worry about losing or breaking them. And finally while I enjoy my technology. Sometimes I just find it therapeutic writing my notes out with pen and paper. For this I just carry a basic notebook, and for my pen and I like using the Signo 207 with its nice dark ink. So that’s a quick look at what’s inside my slim tech work bag. The tech and gear I carry inside this bag is small and portable but doesn’t compromise in performance. While you do pay a bit of premium for this stuff inside this setup, in the end it’s been worth it for me to keep everything clean and professional. But hope you guys enjoyed this one. You know what to do. And I’ll see you in the next review.